I like to talk. I have been known to over-talk.

It’s what happens when I go to the dark side. I have a strong point of view and I will let you know. And darn it, sometimes you don’t respond. My unchecked instinct is to keep talking UNTIL YOU DO RESPOND. The more I talk, the more impassioned I tend to get, the more stone-faced you will become.

Not pretty.

I’m in the midst of conducting 360 feedback interviews on behalf of Mike, SVP of Supply Chain for a global manufacturing enterprise. I think of my own character defect as I listen to the feedback. He lobbies too hard. He doesn’t know when to stop. He needs to shut up.

When I check in with Stephanie, the CHRO in Mike’s business, she says to me tongue-in-cheek: Things are going well with Mike. He hasn’t bothered me with anything.


When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.”

Dalai Lama

Being habitually silent certainly does not work in a business meeting. We abdicate our ability to influence. We stifle our voice.

Also not pretty.

Choosing to shut up when we really long to talk is at times the most inspired choice. Silent not because we are afraid to talk. Silent because our silence will advance the conversation.

How do we know when it’s time to shut up? Here are 4 simple considerations.

1. Does it need to be said?

Whenever you have a compelling urge to speak, especially when you know that your conversation partners may have a strong reaction to what you will say, do a gut check. Ask yourself these 2 questions:

If your answer to both questions is an unequivocal YES, say it. If not – it may be time to shut up.

2. Has it already been said?

If someone else has already said it, I don’t need to say it again. If I have already said it, I don’t need to say it again. Trust that ONCE IS ENOUGH. Repeating the same old point again, no matter how passionate you are about it, is a surefire way of giving up your social influence.

It can be helpful to be an ally to someone who has already spoken. When you speak because you wish to be an ally, keep it brief. Say it in your own words. Add to what the other person has already said. Because otherwise, it may be time to shut up.

3. Can I say it succinctly?

Here are 2 little guidelines to gauge an optimal level of conversation-contribution:

Even if the point you wish to make is complex, don’t unload all of the complexity on me at once. Deliver complexity one message at a time. 4 sentences or less.

If you can’t break it down for me, it may be time to shut up.

4. Will it deepen commitment?

The biggest reason to NOT shut up is when I am certain that my speaking has the potential to invoke a deeper commitment to a course of action. Deeper commitment is rarely stirred by sharing more data or passionately stating my point-of-view. Chances are others have already done so. Commitment is more likely invoked by a powerful image, a metaphor, a surprising gesture that stirs the soul.

Don’t have a metaphor handy? Can’t think of a surprising gesture? Silence may be your golden choice. More blabber rarely is.

When I first worked as a corporate trainer, back in the late 90s, I was mentored by two very different colleagues. Helen was a diva. She could spin circles around a message and was frequently entertaining. Helen held her conversational space well. Antonio was a master-distiller. He could convey a message in a sentence. The message was always essential. Simple and clear. Deep.

Antonio knew when to shut up. And when he spoke, it mattered. Antonio was the brilliant one.

Habitual silence renders us impotent. Strategic silence accelerates our social influence.

Be the brilliant one. Learn to distill. Know when to shut up.

How ACTIVE IS Your ACTIVE Listening?

I felt inadequate. Like, really inadequate.

Jack was one of my first executive coaching clients, many moons ago. In one of our initial sessions, Jack kept describing a specific dilemma he was facing. The situation that troubled Jack was “way out of my league.” Jack was speaking about nuances and contingencies I did not understand. A little voice in my head kept whispering say something, say something. I chimed in a few times, asked a couple of questions.

When the hour came to an end, I felt utterly deflated. I had been so useless. I had added no value to this conversation.

You were so helpful, Jack said to me as we shook hands and left the room.

Go figure.

Somehow, I had gotten the most basic piece of active listening right. I had shut up and allowed Jack to talk.

I got lucky. Because mature active listening involves a heck of a lot more than my lucky accident.

I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening. Most people never listen.” 

Ernest Hemingway

In my experience, most of us think active listening means:

These are the skills you learn in a corporate communication skills class. As I was flipping through a back issue of Harvard Business Review, I was reminded that these behaviors fall far short of Active Listening at its finest (“What Great Listeners Actually Do,” HBR, Zenger & Folkman, July/August 2016).

Basic active listening behaviors are not ACTIVE enough.

In their research, Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman analyzed data describing the behavior of 3,492 participants in a development program designed to help managers become better coaches. As part of this program, the managers’ coaching skills were assessed by others in 360-degree assessments. Zenger and Folkman identified those who were perceived as being the most effective listeners (the top 5%). They then compared the best listeners to the average of all other managers in the data set.

The authors arrived at some unexpected conclusions. They organized these conclusions into four main areas. These areas transcend traditional active listening wisdom. They transcend listening to all that isn’t said. They suggest an explicitly ACTIVE engagement in a conversation. Quite ACTIVE.

Good listening is more than shutting up.

People perceive those who periodically ask questions that promote discovery and insight to be the best listeners. These questions may, in fact, respectfully challenge old assumptions, but they do so in a constructive way. Sitting in silence and nodding our head does not provide any evidence that we are listening. Asking a good question tells the other person not only that we heard what they said, but that we comprehend it well enough to desire additional information.

Good listening is consistently viewed as a two-way dialogue rather than a one-way speaker-versus-listener transaction. The best conversations are ACTIVE. Highly ACTIVE.

Good listening builds a person’s self-esteem.

The best listeners make the conversation a positive experience for the other party. This doesn’t happen when the listener is passive or overly critical. A good listener, in fact, makes the other person feel supported and conveys confidence in the person. The speaker feels heard, and more importantly, understood.

Good listening is characterized by the creation of a safe environment in which issues and differences can be discussed. There is NO experience of good listening without psychological safety.

Good listening generates a cooperative conversation. 

In cooperative interactions, feedback flows smoothly in both directions, with neither party becoming defensive about comments the other makes. In contrast, poor listeners are often seen as competitive – as if they are listening only to identify errors in reasoning and using their silence as a chance to prepare their next response. While this may make us an excellent debater, it doesn’t make us a good listener.

Good listeners may actually challenge assumptions and disagree, but the person being listened to feels like the listener is trying to help, not trying to win or be right.

Good listeners tend to make suggestions.

Good listening invariably includes some feedback. This feedback is provided in a way that others will accept. It opens up alternative paths of moving forward.

This finding surprised Zenger and Folkman since it’s not uncommon to hear complaints that so-and-so didn’t listen, they just jumped in and tried to fix me.

The data suggests that, perhaps, making a suggestion is not the problem; it may be the skill with which that suggestion is made. Another possibility is that we’re more likely to accept suggestions from people we already think are good listeners. Someone who is silent for the whole conversation and then jumps in with a suggestion may not be seen as credible. Someone who seems combative or critical and then tries to give advice may not be seen as trustworthy.

This ACTIVE LISTENING playbook is a lot more ACTIVE than most of us thought, isn’t it?

Shut up, focus on the speaker and don’t interrupt are, indeed, great active listening starting points. They don’t suffice. Paraphrasing doesn’t suffice, either. Get more ACTIVELY engaged in your conversations. Have the courage to make your conversation a truly cooperative experience.

One in which you listen, of course.


The Courage To NOT Know

The pressure is brutal. To know, to have answers, to offer fresh ideas.

Chances are, you have been hired for your job because you will offer insight and solutions. I love the moment when I know. When I have no doubt, when the next right action is crystal-clear. The moment when I don’t know, however, tends to yield the richer crop.

Because I want you to think I’m smart and knowledgeable, it is tempting to tell you I know even when I clearly don’t.

The pressure is tremendous.

Ever sat in a meeting where everyone pretends to know and no one has a clue?

Next time you congregate with your team and somebody asks What do you think we should do? consider this:

If you know, GREAT. If you don’t, switch to I don’t know – YET!

In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few.”

Shunryu Suzuki, Japanese Zen

Wanna get out of yadda yadda yadda yadda? Get out of knowing = same old answer same old answer same old answer?

I don’t know – Yet! facilitates a dive into complexity, ambiguity, alternatives. It may frustrate the heck out of those who believe that the familiar answer is just fine. It will invoke a collective sigh of relief from those who believe that same old same old isn’t working.

Not knowing doesn’t always feel good. Don’t hang out there longer than you need to, but trust that out of the tangle of complexity a new I KNOW will emerge. This I KNOW will be borne of collective exploration. The emerging KNOW will be wiser than the hasty KNOW. It will be a KNOW of conviction.

You may end up with the familiar answer. The answer will have been earned.

The greatest leaders know what they don’t know. They don’t fake the knowing. They trust that others may know more. And they trust their own NOT YET.

I don’t know – YET! is your insurance policy against same old same old. And it relieves you of that awful pressure of having to have answers, all the time. It may be wise to fake confidence. It is fatal to fake knowing.

WARNING: If you habitually do NOT make decisions because you worry that you don’t have enough data, if you continue to dig and dig into minutiae that may be interesting but not relevant, if the notion of committing to a course of action intimidates the heck out of you – I don’t know YET! is NOT for you. Fully embrace I know ENOUGH.

Everybody else, consider making I don’t know – YET! part of your vocabulary. When you truly don’t know, say it. Feel the relief. Invoke your beginner’s mind, no matter how seasoned you may be. And know that you have just opened the door to a more enlightened, and likely more impactful, outcome.

Yes, relief.

How To Galvanize ANY Conversation

It is ridiculously simple.

You want to advance the discourse in a conversation? OFFER OPTIONS. Yes, simple. OFFERING OPTIONS works in absolutely every context, every relationship,   over every hurdle. Every time.

If it is so simple, why don’t we do it all the time?

When we get “plugged into” a conversation, we tend to have a strong yearning to share our point of view. Mind you, please have a point of view, especially in a business environment – and allow someone else to have a different one. Influential folks know their point of view and have the courage to share it willingly.Super-influential folks, however, transcend their point of view. They OFFER OPTIONS.

We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Not one option. No, OPTIONS. When I offer only one option, you and I will get lost in the one-option-debate.

When I offer multiple options, I have put a wide frame-of-possibility around the conversation. Our chat will suddenly propel itself forward. It has to.

Here are just some of the ways in which OFFERING OPTIONS will transform any situation and amplify your value to others.

Wanna influence Senior Leadership?

You are about to present information to your organization’s Senior Leadership Team. Do not simply recite a pack of research data. Do not merely offer one solution. Senior Leadership does not wish to be forced into your one option. When you offer multiple options, YOU paint a compelling picture of a potential future landscape. And you let THEM own the decision which you have so compellingly framed.

They make the decision. The decision has been potently influenced by the options you offered.

Wanna have a productive meeting with your boss?

Do not show up at your bi-weekly meeting with your boss, asking her to trouble-shoot for you. Don’t waste her time. YOU are getting paid to trouble-shoot. Test options with your boss. Invite your boss to respond to potential options, not to problems. The options you test with your boss will energize your boss AND you!

Wanna fast-forward a conversation that is stuck?

When a conversation at a team gathering is going round and round in circles, don’t participate in the circular conversation. OFFER OPTIONS. Not just one – multiple options. Test your options with the team. Your options will instantly widen and reframe the circle of conversation. They simply must!

Wanna have an unstrained personal relationship?

With every decision you make with your spouse – where to dine, what appliance to buy, where to vacation, what gifts to purchase – OFFER OPTIONS. The less you drive a conversation with one solo preference, the smoother all of your conversations will go. They will be quicker. They will be less contentious. And they will be co-owned. Nice, right!

Here’s the short-term effect of OFFERING OPTIONS.

You don’t get stuck in the crap. You don’t generate crap. You’re a crap un-doer. Not a caretaker of others, merely an un-doer. Every single person you engage with will appreciate you for that.

The long-term effect.

Folks will seek you out. Because you’re not a crap person, you’re an OPTIONS person. We, in fact, cannot wait to talk to you because you are an OPTIONS person. And we so enjoy engaging with you.

This may not have been your motive for being the one who OFFERS OPTIONS, but you have just become highly influential. Super-duper-influential.

So simple. So powerful.

In Praise of Small Talk

I hate small talk.

I used to think that. Used to say it out loud. And I have clients who say this to me all the time.

I hate to make small talk.

We understand this, right? I don’t like to waste my time. We have so much important stuff to talk about. We have a very packed agenda. Why spend time, well, talking about frivolous things?

And yet, the expectation in any business conversation these days is that we start with a bit of small talk. We don’t leap into any meeting – virtual, in-person - with Agenda item #1 right away. And we easily, comfortably engage in heaps of small talk over a business dinner.

Small talk. The phrase itself sounds pejorative, doesn’t it? Trivial. Irrelevant. Small. Doesn’t matter.

It’s a byproduct of a cultural lens that believes all time needs to be used productively. That a nonproductive use of time is wasted time. There are other cultural lenses, of course. These lenses are dominant in large swaths of the world. They value social pleasantry and conversation over efficient agenda-run-throughs. They affirm that we won’t get to step 2 without hanging out in step 1.

Step 1 being Small Talk.

To get to the next level of greatness depends on he quality of culture, which depends on the quality of relationships, which depends on the quality of conversations.”

Judith Glaser, author of Conversational Intelligence

Time to up-end some of our notions of small talk, don’t you think? Let’s consider 3 conversational delineations as outlined by the renowned Judith Glaser, author of “Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust & Get Extraordinary Results.”

Level I: Transactional Conversations

We exchange information, updates, and facts that help us align our realities or confirm that we are on the same page. There is not a lot of trust, and we focus more on what we need to get from each other.

Level II: Positional Conversations

In a positional conversation, we dive more deeply into arguing with a strong point-of-view, defending this point-of-view, advocating for it. For some, a tough conversation with a colleague who matters little to them may seem easier than a comparable conversation with a friend. What’s that about? A difficult chat with a friend creates greater discomfort even though we have a relationship that supposedly involves shared history, honesty, and trust?

Level III: Transformational Conversations

Marked by “Share and Discover” dynamics. When I share first, my brain receives a cue that I will be vulnerable with you and that I will open up my inner thoughts, ideas, and feelings. You receive the signal that I will be open to your thoughts, ideas, emotions.

Small Talk, at its very best, is neither transactional nor positional. It is a Level III Conversation. It has the potential to be the highest, or deepest, way of engaging with another human.

Because our conversation can go absolutely anywhere.

Let’s consider the following prototypes of what is likely to happen in the first 60 seconds of small talk.

We Declare "How We're Doing."

It's totally automatic, isn't it? Without much thought, we ask How are you doing? or How's it going? More often than not, we turn this question and subsequent answer into a platitude that means nothing. We make it truly small. We choose to hide. Don't. Why not be truthful?

The judgment I make is that no one wants to truly know how I'm doing today. The other person has made the same judgment. What is really going on and how we really feel - frustrated, exhilarated, tired, energized, overwhelmed - is not to be mentioned. We keep the lid to a more honest revelation tightly shut. Why? What could be an exchange of empathy or shared experience is never allowed to happen. Allow it.

We Notice the Moment.

Imagine you’re on Zoom. The video turns on, and you may find your conversation partner in an unusual setting. You may be in a setting the other person has never seen. You may spot an unusual object, a surprising artifact in the frame. Your colleague may look different to you just because the lighting in that very moment is different. That's fodder for conversation. Because it's staring at you and screaming, acknowledge me.

I was chatting about these little observations with Jeannie, a client. Jeannie described a moment when she facilitated a sales meeting with her global team, and she noticed that Phil from the UK was wearing a really funny sweater. "I wanted to comment on the sweater," Jeannie says to me, "but then I decided not to. I thought that might be too personal." Why, I thought to myself? If Phil wears a funny sweater he wants you to notice the sweater. It's almost rude to not acknowledge the sweater. What marvelous stories may be lurking behind that sweater?

We Widen the Context.

There is so much going on in everyone's immediate world, every day. What's going on need not necessarily be talked about. Understood. But why not at least open the possibility of "going there?" Instead of asking How are you doing?, consider asking How are things in Hollywood? A wider frame. If I want to walk through the Hollywood door with you (that is where I reside), we suddenly have a richer and more nuanced start to our conversation.

I began a call with my client Steve the other day with "How are things in Phoenix?" Steve responded by sharing his frustrations with the noise of new construction happening on his block. This allowed me to tell Steve about the new development going on in my part of Hollywood, and my involvements as the Board member of a condo board. My question prompted a richly personal start to our conversation. This start, of course, elevated the entire rest of the conversation!

Don’t just talk about nothing. Talk about something.

Small talk = human connection. Or, to be clear, the opportunity for human connection. Why would we squander that opportunity?

Judith Glaser got this right. Transformational conversations are the richest and most potent conversations that we can have with another human. They are marked by a "share and discover" dynamic. And that's what happens in conscious Small Talk.

Let us discover. Small Talk, anyone?

Don’t Pretend It’s NEGOTIABLE

I love working for my boss, Linda says with genuine conviction.

After a short pause, she sheepishly adds: Except for this. Brian loves to float ideas by us. We will discuss these ideas for several months. Brian always makes us feel like our input really matters. But after a few months it becomes clear that Brian’s mind had been made up all along.

Frustrated sigh.

And we have just wasted 3 months debating something that wasn’t negotiable.

Linda is no Junior staff member. She’s a VP of Operations with 240 employees in her portfolio. Linda thinks tactically. She thinks strategically. She has a lot on her plate, and she does NOT like to waste her time.

I just conducted a 360 feedback process for Reinaldo, a Senior Human Resources executive. Reinaldo is personable. Smart. A creative thinker. The folks in the Business Unit he supports enjoy working with Reinaldo. Except for this one little habit of his that showed up in the feedback, again and again.

Reinaldo wants our input on everything. We spend a lot of time in meetings giving input. Sometimes I want Reinaldo to just say ‘Look, this is what we’re doing. Darn’it. Decision made. Let’s make it work. Let’s get on with it already.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusions that it has taken place.”

George Berbard Shaw

Linda and Reinaldo mean well. They long to be collaborative leaders. They have been schooled in modern management thinking. Too well, perhaps. And they apply this collaborative thinking in a not entirely helpful way.

The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, revered management guru Peter Drucker famously stated, never say “I.” And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say “I.” They don’t think “I.” They think “we.” They understand their job is to make the team function.”

Think of this as a foundational quote for modern collaborative teamwork. And please think of the two individuals I mentioned earlier as examples of this collaborative thinking gone awry.

Not every decision is negotiable. Not every initiative requires lots of flexibility. Consider the following limits as you engage one of your teams in conversation. They will be grateful to you when you do.

When A Decision Has Already Been Made

You have made up your mind on Action Y or Initiative X. You’re clear that this will be your course of action. When speaking with your team, don’t suddenly go wishy-washy on them. Here’s something we may want to do – what do you think? Here’s an idea John and I have been kicking around – any reactions? It might be great if we tried Action Y or Initiative X!

Plans dressed up as if they were ideas up for discussion. Open to negotiation. If a decision has been made, tell your team it has been made. If you continuously hold fake discussions where what others say will not impact a course of action, you will have an angry team on your hand. A very angry one.

Use a What/How Frame

If WHAT we will do has been decided, move on from there. Have the HOW conversation. How can we make sure we execute Action Y well? What are the immediate next steps that have to be taken? Who is best suited to take on task A or project B?

You know how to do this. Jump from strategy to tactics. Get granular. Entertain the possibility that folks you work will get excited about execution. And are perhaps even relieved that a decision was made for them. It has saved them from participating in a potential going-around-in-circles conversation. It allows them to focus on what many members on your team may like more than anything else: Generate results.

Highlight Potential Blind Spots

Don’t second-guess yourself with your team by questioning a decision you have already made. Own your decision – but allow your peeps to poke some holes into your thinking. Is there anything I have missed? What other factors may we wish to consider here? Are there any blind spots in our thinking?

Conduct a Force Field Analysis. It’s a wonderful old-school consulting tool. A basic T-chart where on the left side you list all the forces that favor the successful execution of a course of action, and on the right side all the forces that may hinder it. For each force that may hinder it, identify ways of removing or mitigating this force. When you conduct a Force Field Analysis, you’re not picking apart a decision that was made. No, you haveully switched into successful execution mode. And that tends to feel really good.

Have the Ownership Conversation

Instead of a belabored conversation in which you hem and haw about a decision that is no longer up for discussion, own that you have made the decision. And turn the ownership opportunity over to your team members. What will it take for YOU to fully own the execution of this decision? What, if anything, can I do to help you get to full ownership?

Full commitment to the successful execution of a plan is a wonderful thing. Foster THAT in your team.

It has been common in my work as a C-Suite Coach that my client is, at the same time, working with the venerable McKinsey Consulting Firm to figure out how to improve work processes.

I invariably chuckle at the first recommendation my client receives from McKinsey. It is invariably the same.

Make decisions faster.

I’m a big girl, Linda explains to me. Sometimes just tell me what to do, and I will be happy to get it done.

Let your team off the hook. Don’t torture them with fake open-mindedness. Don’t hold them hostage in conversations where they will not impact a decision of yours.

Own the decision you have already made.

And move on.