How OPEN Is Your Door?

Written by Achim Nowak

You want to be approachable. You pride yourself on your open-door policy. Do folks actually come to you? How approachable are you, really?
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When You Hit Your Leadership Ceiling

Written by Achim Nowak

Talented folks are often denied a promotion because they lack experience. It gets squishy when the denial is based on your leadership style. That you can fix!
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The Power of a Positive NO

Written by Achim Nowak

Chances are, you have been told saying NO is career suicide. Chances are, you don’t say No enough. Say it more often – with skill.
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REFRAMING Is Your Influencing Superpower

Written by Achim Nowak

It’s fine to disagree with others. It’s more powerful to reframe the conversation. The most skillful reframers make the reframing invisible. Powerful
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The Gift of Thinking Time

Written by Achim Nowak

You know that you never have enough time. You also know that without time to think, every aspect of your life starts to dull. Thinking time is essential time. Think more.
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How Leon Marchand Handles Mental Stress

Written by Achim Nowak

Leon Marchand is an instant swimming rockstar. The guidance he received from his mental coach will work for you and me, as well.
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5 Lessons in Personal Agility

Written by Achim Nowak

Successful people notice faster. Pivot more courageously. Seek help. Not being agile is not a sustainable way of doing life. Here are some primers.
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4 Everyday Trust Builders

Written by Achim Nowak

It is easy to be cynical about leadership. Examples of leaders we cannot trust abound. Here are simple behaviors that will ensure you are someone they WILL trust.
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The Art Of Being DIRECT

Written by Achim Nowak

There is a cost to being direct. There is a cost to not being direct. How do we get “direct” right?
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The Neuroscience of CONFORMIST Thought

Written by Achim Nowak

No matter how self-aware we may be - the pressure to conform to group thought is tremendous. Neuroscience knows. Understand the dynamics. Stay mindful.
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The Power of Attending Behaviors

Written by Achim Nowak

Therapists are trained in attending behavior. It works for any business executive, as well. Make it second-nature. Subtle. Do it well.
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Will You Please Just RELAX?

Written by Achim Nowak

Every moment unfolds more brilliantly when we relax. And yet, we cannot will ourselves into relaxation. Beyond breath, beyond mindfulness – how else do we relax more fully?
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Written by Achim Nowak

When I was trained to be a mediator at The Brooklyn Courts, shoe-swapping is one of the most powerful skills I learned. It’s quick. It generates empathy. It works in business and life.
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What’s YOUR Inside Scoop?

Written by Achim Nowak

What does US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy know about human connection? Well, he knows about combatting workplace isolation. And the power of Inside Scoops.
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Do You FEEL Into Things?

Written by Achim Nowak

Like it or not, we tend to have feelings. Lots of them. When we lean into these feelings, we invariably have more data to make smarter decisions.
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How We Foster More TRUST

Written by Achim Nowak

The transaction cost of not trusting in a professional relationship is steep. Yet trust, research shows, is not granted easily. How do we foster more trusting relationships, day by day?
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The Power of 3s

Written by Achim Nowak

3 is a beautiful number. Repeating 3 times is a powerful influencing skill. Keep it simple. Trust the 3s.
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How A Shark Spots Talent

Written by Achim Nowak

She isn’t fooled by credentials. She hires for the intangibles, and she spots them quickly. Barbara Corcoran knows.
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When You Are Triggered, Take 3

Written by Achim Nowak

When you cross the line from having a strong opinion and an emotional response to being triggered – piercingly triggered – STOP. Take 3. Here’s what I mean.
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Written by Achim Nowak

Habitual silence renders you invisible. Over-talking diminishes your influence. Here are 4 reasons why you may wish to shut up more often.
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By Achim Nowak

Don’t be the person that tries too hard. When effort is required, effortlessness is our sweet spot. Consider these gateways to showing up effortlessly.
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Without influence, our impact in the world is ALWAYS diminished.

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