

Tired of the word “leadership?” Feel like you hear the same old leadership messages, over and over again? That stuff about team work, culture change, process improvement, agility? Critical topics – but you sit in the audience and think to yourself, darn, I have heard all of this before.

More of the same. Always more of the same.

I have sat in that audience with you. I know.

I help already highly successful CEOs and C-Suite executives to amplify their personal impact. I know a thing or two about the stuff that makes the difference

It’s not about more, more, more.

It’s not about learning the latest 5-step process to whatever.

It’s not about a simple trick.

In the end, it’s about YOU. Always. And how you show up. The invisible forces that you can tap and unleash, in yourself and others. Momentum. Wisdom. Flow.

And love (yes, I talk about LQ).

Whether you’re a CEO, a General Manager or an entrepreneur, that’s where the most brilliant version of you resides. The YOU that delivers sustainable outcomes AND charts a joyous ride.

I’m here to inspire you and your tribe to drink from that well. I’ll do so with a sense of fun, great stories, and practical optimism.



5 Secrets to Amplifying Your Personal Influence.

For CEOs, seasoned business leaders, sales teams and team leaders who wish to lift their personal game and don’t need one more leadership keynote.

The Science of Doing Our Best Work

For CEOs, seasoned business teams and entrepreneurs who wish to create work conditions that foster more creativity, deeper task engagement and more moment-by-moment flow.
Book Achim
"A morning keynote for a conference has to ignite attendees and give them fuel to last the rest of that day. Achim did just that at Agile NYC. His stage presence and speaking skills are simply infectious. When people are still talking about a keynote months after it was delivered, you know it was inspirational and touched the attendees deeply. Thank you, Achim!"

Joe Krebs 

Incrementor and Founder/Organizer of Agile NYC

"Achim's insights and presence were a guiding factor in making the Future of Leadership Salon a success. He is a magician at lighting up our minds with a firework of inspiration while, at the same time, deeply touching our hearts. No wonder our audience of corporate change-makers requested that Achim join us a second time – and I am sure, a third and fourth."

Eve Simon

Founder and Executive Producer, Future of Leadership Salon

"Achim ignited the first Agile Humans Day conference in Belgrade with his talk on LQ and creating a new imprint for work, interwoven with personal moments, colorful metaphors, and provocative thoughts. Our audience of Agile professionals will remember Achim for a long time to come!"

Jasmina Nikolic

Founder and  CEO, AGILE HUMANS

"We loved the dinner we had with Achim the night before his keynote at Leadership Greater Hartford – and the superb presentation he delivered the following morning. Achim commands the room with a quiet authority, deep empathy skills, and highly engaging storytelling. Most people do not have this combination of gifts – Achim has them in abundance! He inspired everyone in our audience to be the very best they can be. Thank you, Achim!!!"

Ted Carroll

Former President and CEO,  Leadership Greater Hartford


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