4 Ways To UNTRIGGER Yourself

Written by Achim Nowak

No matter how enlightened we think we are – there are folks who will trigger the heck out of us. AND there are tools for un-triggering ourselves.
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Don’t Pretend It’s NEGOTIABLE

Written by Achim Nowak

Don’t be fake-openminded. Don’t pretend to be flexible when you’re not. When a decision has been made, own it. And let’s go from there.
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The Dopamine Rewards of Business Writing

Written by Achim Nowak

Great business writing transcends efficiency. Neurobiology shows that, at its very finest, writing is a dopamine activator. Really!
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Embody Who You Say You Are

Written by Achim Nowak

You have heard folks whose words don’t match how you experience them. Don’t be that person. Be what you say you are!
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The Art of NOT Micro-Managing.

Written by Achim Nowak

When we leave them alone, we may not be leading enough. When we interfere too often, we’re the micromanager from hell. How do we help well?
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Written by Achim Nowak

The helicopter view forces an instant perspective shift. It’s quick. It’s expansive. Helicopter often, won’t you!
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The Gifts of Succinctness

Written by Achim Nowak

In film and social media, every bit of communication is carefully edited. In a person-to-person chat, you and I are our own in-the-moment editors. Edit well, please
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5 Ways To Harness Your Impatience

Written by Achim Nowak

Petulant impatience gets you nothing but a bad rep. Harness your impatience well and be an impactful champion of change.
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How To Navigate Time When There Is Never Enough

Written by Achim Nowak

Forget about basic time management. Strategy guru Michael Porter tracked the time habits of 27 mega-successful CEOs. Here’s what they know.
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Why Not Have A SEAHORSE Mindset?

Written by Achim Nowak

Finding a seahorse in the Atlantic ocean was a moment of supreme joy when I was a child. How do we recapture this joy at work, every single day? We can!
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Successful People Receive Support

Written by Achim Nowak

Lone-wolfing our way through life gets us the bread crumbs of success. Truly accomplished humans operate with heaps of support. Choose support that expands you!
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WHY Don’t You Appreciate Them MORE?

Written by Achim Nowak

Great leaders appreciate others. They know how to show appreciation. That includes appreciating UP!
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How To NOT Be A Brilliant Jerk

Written by Achim Nowak

Brilliant thinking can be a beautiful thing. Being a jerk never is. More often than not, these behaviors go hand-in-hand. Let’s de-couple.
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The Hidden Language of Personal Power

Written by Achim Nowak

Our impact in the world is diminished when we don’t understand personal power. Ours, and that of others. Learn the hidden language of power. Speak it well.
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What Happens When We FEEL Into Things

Written by Achim Nowak

Feelings can be annoying. Overwhelming. They are a crucial source of information. Ignore them at your own peril.
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5 Lessons in Personal Agility

By Achim Nowak

Successful people notice faster. Pivot more courageously. Seek help. Not being agile is not a sustainable way of doing life. Here are some primers.
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Without influence, our impact in the world is ALWAYS diminished.

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